Thursday, March 1, 2012

Revlon Colorsilk - Deep Burgundy


  1. I absolutely LOVE this hair color! I'm gonna try dyeing my hair with the same dye you used :)

  2. Thanks! The color looks great! :) I have been running a search to see how this color will really look on actual people. What I get rarely looks like the shade on the box.

    All of the red tones washed out of ColorSilk #46, "Medium Golden Chestnut Brown" in just 2 weeks. So after 4 weeks, I recently used ColorSilk "Burgundy" #48 to brighten it up. This did work, but it's a bit lighter than what I really want.

    Based on your results, I think mixing the "Deep Burgundy" with the "Burgundy" might be the ticket for a moderately dark shade of burgundy...

    Time will tell if the burgundy will stay in or wash out with #48. I hear that burgundy is very hard to get out of hair, so here's hoping it will stay put.
